Monday, April 13, 2015


Friday was a bit of an emotional mess, but it was remedied with some retail therapy. Took all my girlies to do some shopping, I don't do that often but it sure was fun. Saturday was full of family, an impromptu family gathering which included some grilling and sitting outside under the tree,while the kids played, and the grown ups sipped beer. I'm so glad my dear hubby talked me into it because I was stewing over personal issues and it was nice to just lay that mess aside. Sunday is pancakes, and pretty much doing nothing but watching the grass grow, so you know perfection!


Tracey ~ Clover said...

I'm so sorry about the personnel issues, but it sounds like you handled everything quite well and enjoyed a great weekend. I love watching the grass grow. :)
I do hope your week is great.

Unknown said...

i'm glad you were able to enjoy the weekend!!! everyone needs a little retail therapy once in a while.